Substation Design

Providing consistent, reliable power to industrial and manufacturing facilities is a specialty at ENTRUST Solutions Group. Our company is one of the leading consultants in power generation and transmission in the United States. That expertise in power management and distribution applies directly to industrial plants where power defines every operation aspect. ENTRUST has provided full-service design for electrical substations for a number of industrial clients. This full-service design includes initial coordination studies, power system studies, as well as the sizing and specification of required equipment. ENTRUST also provides arc flash studies and area classification drawings in combination with our substation design services.


The benefit of phase gate engineering in the industrial and manufacturing sector is building a controlled sequence of customized processes and testing for a specific line or plant facility. Putting phase gate collaboration in place helps large teams or departments invite ideas and participation in the ideation stage. Facilitating this process requires leadership in industrial and manufacturing settings, especially where stakeholder involvement and buy-in is concerned. Having an objective partner to guide these challenging relationships and decisions is advisable. The principle goal is to fully evaluate and establish a project scope in the initial phases. Making changes early on in the project has a lower impact on cost as opposed to making a change later in the project lifecycle. ENTRUST Solutions Group excels in documenting progress through phase gate engineering and reports for all those invested in the process. ENTRUST’s nationwide team includes experts in structural, electrical, chemical, civil, mechanical, engineering.

Keeping ahead of industrial maintenance costs through maintenance and reliability engineering means establishing loss elimination, risk management, and Life Cycle Assessment Management (LCAM) strategies. These help determine Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) and Life Cycle Cost (LCC) with industrial assets. Establishing a plan to identify where loss and repetitive failures occur is where the expertise of ENTRUST Solutions Group proves most valuable to our industrial and manufacturing clients. Our engineering professionals provide reliability engineering to optimize preventive maintenance programs and increase equipment longevity while maintaining optimal performance.

Successfully implementing an infrastructure upgrade project or facility expansion requires field services and construction oversight. Having expertise on-hand to manage projects from planning through completion calls for diverse skillsets that aren’t often available in-house. We back that expertise with GIS and mapping services, land surveying, procurement, cost estimating, and automation to offer field services and construction oversight. Our staff includes many of the nation’s leading specialists in fields such as metallurgy and pipeline protection, power and substation design, gas and energy permitting, and compliance. All these certified technicians are available as needed to meet specifications in third-party and regulatory inspections.

Completing projects on budget and on time is much more predictable with the right expertise on-hand to direct the process. Industrial and manufacturing companies turn to ENTRUST Solutions Group for project management that begins with a broad and comprehensive perspective on how projects succeed in planning, budgeting, and scheduling. These best practices stem from our work as a nationwide company staffed by leading experts in industrial engineering. We provide a full spectrum of project management services from facilities design to process management, all ‘right-sized’ to your organization’s scope and scale.

Failure Analysis

Failure analysis documents the forces or chemical processes involved in metal failure, joint or value decomposition, and other stress-produced outcomes. When industrial metals reach failure points, it is vital to determine whether the cause is a sudden incident or the product of long-term corrosion, metal decay, or stress. The ENTRUST Solutions Group failure analysis team combines our staff metallurgists, mechanical and chemical engineers in analyzing industrial operations. This comprehensive approach to metallurgical failure analysis delivers information vital to decision-making once the reasons for failure are determined.

Welding Procedure Development and Qualification

A weld’s integrity is a product of operator training, quality of materials, and standard of operations in the field or plant environment. ENTRUST Solutions Group provides welding procedure development and qualification to support industrial operations in manufacturing, power and utilities, gas, and renewables. Guiding industrial associates in Welding Procedure Specification (WPS) is one of many services offered by ENTRUST Solutions Group to train welders in alloys and applications specific to their industry and assignment.

Engineering Critical Assessment (ECA)

Industrial operations seeking assurance on the quality of welded structures benefit from the Engineering Critical Assessment (ECA) services provided by ENTRUST Solutions Group. Our team of metallurgists and engineers analyzes the production history of exposed and internal metals to determine the stress history and document flaws in performance and conditions. These assessments of welds are conducted either during downtime or when the structures in question are in use. ENTRUST Solutions Group offers ECA analysis conducted by leading metallurgists in industrial operations, power and utilities, petrochemical industries, gas, and renewables.

Fitness for Service

Fitness for Service (FFS) in the industrial context identifies the condition of existing infrastructure in metallurgical integrity and continued use. ENTRUST Solutions Group conducts Fitness for Service inspections to identify existing flaws, damage, or risk factors impacting industrial metals, welds, and other infrastructure. The outcome draws on tests and criteria specific to regulatory standards. These regulatory requirements evolve based on nationwide incident response and may vary considerably between industries. That is where the Fitness for Service expertise of ENTRUST Solutions Group pays special dividends, as our national experience and real-time exposure to regulatory changes and requirements assure that your facilities meet all safety and operational standards.

Material Selection

Material selection is the science of determining which metals are best suited for industrial infrastructure, piping, machines, and delivery mechanisms. The metallurgical specialists at ENTRUST Solutions Group can assess material interactions and metals’ chemistry down to the nanoscale to help industrial producers make decisions that lead to better performance and safety in their operations. Our metallurgical specialists are leaders in the field, collaborating with private/public projects and academic researchers to bring new insights to industrial material selection.

Piping and Component Stress Analysis

Piping and component stress analysis provides an assessment of expected performance in the course of its use. Testing and measuring anticipated stress is a standard procedure that affords value in documenting this infrastructure’s original working condition and its relative response as designed and installed. ENTRUST Solutions Group piping and component stress analysts conduct tests on pipe and component flexibility, pressure response, metallurgical integrity, and potential degradation over time. This real-time analysis provides foundational data for maintenance, decision-making, and upgrade or replacement strategies as needed.

Pipe and Fitting Specifications

Pipe and fitting specifications established by ASME (American Society of Mechanical Engineers) apply to all industrial uses. Identifying the appropriate size and fitting for each industrial application is one of the valuable services provided by the mechanical and industrial specialists at ENTRUST Solutions Group. The safe installation of construction pipe and fitting benefits from front-end knowledge of metallurgy, material selection, welding procedure development, and best installation practices. When completed, a component stress analysis is required to determine the quality of the finished product.

Document digitization

Moving document storage from paper record-keeping to digital formats is a service provided by ENTRUST Solutions Group to help industrial organizations move from processes that hold them back to practical, progressive data formats useful in operational planning and management. Once data is converted through document digitization, it informs the measurement of past performance. That capability allows a broad-spectrum study of any flaws, failures, or performance interruptions over time. With cloud capability and document democratization, the converted data is available at the touch of a key rather than sifting through folders or even losing documentation to filing errors, accidents, or other incidents. ENTRUST Solutions Group takes care of the document digitization process so that your firm is better empowered about its past and its future.

Data Conversion and Reconciliation

Data conversion and reconciliation is a service provided by ENTRUST Solutions Group to corroborate and correlate the verity of all data drawn from prior record-keeping. We stress data conversion by comparing digitized information against its sources to determine any flaws, missing records, incorrect data, poor formatting, or quality of conversion. These steps prepare data for use in future analytical studies. This service’s value is the data’s usefulness in determining the effects of change in processes and efficiency of mechanical and operator interactions.

Data Cleansing and Verification

The process of data cleansing and verification eliminates bad information, specifically corrupted formats, disrupted tables, redundancies, and inaccurate records. ENTRUST Solutions Group data specialists use progressive software technology to comb through data conversion and reconciliation files to deliver purified information in preparation for use in analysis, planning, and implementation of processes such as Mechanical Integrity Programs (MIP) and Management of Change (MOC).

Data Maintenance

Once data best practices are established, and data integrity measures are in place, data maintenance takes over as the top priority in industrial applications. Testing the flow and quality of data is critical to its integrity and usefulness, both in real-time and over the long term. ENTRUST Solutions Group data maintenance consultants help industrial clients implement best practices to ensure consistent, reliable data production and storage. Data quality also fuels intelligent Process Safety Management (PSM) and enhances productivity studies and analysis. Data maintenance determines its value for all such purposes.

Mobile Data Collection

Mobile data collection is vital to real-time operations with a workforce on the move or working remotely. The capture, storage, and distribution of qualitative and quantitative information generated by mobile data inform industrial processes in real-time. Determining the best mobile tools for your organization is the foremost priority. Structuring and formatting mobile data is the next step. Building and testing collections apps also impact a mobile data collection program. Training your team on devices, mobile software, and best security practices are all part of the implementation process. Our turnkey services plug your mobile field assets into the data collection flow for optimal performance.

Imagery Analysis and Information Extraction

Imagery analysis and information extraction through software tools such as ArcGIS Pro have transformed industrial planning from traditional landscape and infrastructure survey to specifically actionable data drawn from high-resolution images. The specificity and actionable data gathered through these processes are superior and exceptional in its applications over traditional visual inspections. Analytic maps are useful in modeling every aspect of topography. ENTRUST Solutions Group brings the promise of imagery analysis and information extraction to the complex needs of industrial planning.

Custom Spatial Analysis

Custom spatial analysis dials in information vital to understanding the relationships between structures and topography. These processes enable specific, data-driven comparisons to study a given site’s suitability for its intended purposes. Spatial analysis delivers layers of information critical to site-intelligent decision-making on environmental conditions and structural integrity. That level of insight determines site feasibility, risks, and accommodations related to grades, elevation, and consistency of existing landforms and features. ENTRUST Solutions Group conducts custom spatial analysis to deliver high-quality information to new and expanding industrial facilities to predict and control otherwise unanticipated factors.

Industry Modeling and Trend Forecasting

The specifics of industry modeling and trend forecasting depend on the quality of data available from the source organization and the external data available for comparison modeling and predictive analysis. With a nationwide reach and clients in multiple industries, ENTRUST Solutions Group brings vital perspectives to industry modeling and forecasting practice. Our consulting teams develop big picture models across economic and market trends using automated competitive data and business intelligence software. It is often the granular data of production efficiencies, regulatory and environmental impacts, material supplies, procurement channels, and innovation that determine industry and manufacturing companies’ ultimate success. Our role is to provide our clients with the right form of data and provide investment options in capital or process improvements.

Data System Strategy, Design, and Optimization

It’s essential to gather and maintain quality data, but having a data system strategy to organize and employ business and operational information determines industrial data’s ultimate value. The design and optimization of a data system strategy depend on understanding which data is critical to measuring mechanical systems and processes’ effectiveness. ENTRUST Solutions Group collaborates with industrial clients to identify these data categories, design a data system strategy, and organize data optimization across all operations.

Data Integration Planning

Data integration planning is the process of driving more efficient plant operations by building data flow models to form a single, consolidated whole. That requires a thorough assessment of all data sources, even manual operators. Once data sources are established, integration analysis can take place. ENTRUST Solutions Group software specialists assist organizations in surveying and aggregating this data into a single stream of consolidated data. We test data for consistency and accuracy, conducting assessments to calibrate formatting and develop plans for access and distribution to all stakeholders.

Workflow Integration and Analysis Modules

Workflow integration brings automation to bear in industrial applications. This method draws together information from selected databases and software systems to bring formerly siloed data into an accessible whole. Workflow integration and analysis modules can also capture logistics and distribution patterns, material supply levels, pricing and procurement, billing, payroll, and accounting. ENTRUST Solutions Group provides the expertise to collaborate with IT and operations managers to establish workflow integration and analysis modules.


Custom Analysis Tools

Custom analysis tools to study and manage industrial infrastructure, mechanical operations, systems, and processes are becoming far more prevalent in the age of data-driven decision-making. In collaboration with IT teams and internal managers, ENTRUST Solutions Group helps industrial clients identify production and profitability priorities where intensive qualitative and quantitative data delivers the most value. Our experience with state-of-the-art software strategies, including MES (Manufacturing Execution Systems), enables ENTRUST Solutions Group to develop and apply custom analysis tools at every operation scale. Gathering and interpreting targeted data brings hidden problems to light, including their source and level of risk. Custom analysis tools help industrial facilities hunt down potentially dangerous and expensive issues that threaten operational safety and production. ENTRUST helps industrial clients troubleshoot, problem solve, and put custom analysis tools to use where they are most needed.

Risk Assessment

Running the numbers on risk assessment is both a physical and actuarial process. The first thing an industrial company needs to know is where their risks commonly occur. As a nationwide consultant engaged in industrial engineering and risk assessment across various industries, ENTRUST Solutions Group offers exceptional insight and software solutions to conduct risk assessment from the macro to micro-scale. We help our clients pull together data pertinent to risk assessment, identify potential blind spots, spot flaws, and document incident records. From there, we build analytical and predictive models that industrial companies need to improve operations, increase safety, meet regulatory compliance, and plan for the future.

Program Management

Program management in the industrial world typically draws on engineering, data systems, and change management to improve operations in some capacity, even the whole organization. To accomplish these aims is problematic from the inside. Managers responsible for day-to-day production seldom have time to extract themselves from operational responsibilities to conduct the planning and analysis necessary to establish a specific program management plan. Even identifying program management priorities can be difficult with associates whose tenure and pride in their work eclipses vital objectivity. ENTRUST Solutions Group excels in navigating these hurdles to assist industrial companies in choosing where to put their efforts and put program management plans in place. We also bring automation, software technology, systems analysis, and extensive safety and regulatory requirements to bear in program management. Our turnkey approach takes industrial clients’ burdens by providing managerial vision and project oversight to create a thriving environment for all involved.

Dashboards and Reporting

Dashboards and reporting may sound like incremental tools involved in day-to-day operations, but developing a consistent interface for operators and managers is one of the keys to consistent communication. The priority is to identify the most common functions and determine how to automate and highlight them for ease of use and user error reduction. Data produced through clearly defined dashboard functions is more accessible to aggregate and study. Reporting becomes more straightforward, and operators are not distracted by background information that is not pertinent to their job. Enhancing dashboards often means simplifying them. ENTRUST Solutions Group software and hardware specialists drive clear understanding and communication.

IT Project Management

IT departments typically have their hands full in keeping industrial operations running full-speed and secure. When new demands arise, the time available to push the agenda forward isn’t always there. The IT project management team from ENTRUST Solutions Group offers the expertise to study equipment and software upgrades’ value and develop implementation plans. That includes ideation and planning, budgeting, execution, and rollout. With so many productivity outcomes dependent on successful IT operations, industrial and manufacturing companies benefit from IT project management at every scale.

GIS Enhancement

GIS enhancement is at the forefront of enhancing productivity and profitability for industrial and manufacturing companies. The combination of GIS technology with business intelligence software enables companies to track vital assets and fine-tune production and delivery processes across departments and operations. GIS enhancement tracks company assets from production through logistics and distribution, improving travel and delivery time and communication with suppliers and customers. All these functions provide more accurate data for reporting, analysis, and planning. ENTRUST Solutions Group guides industrial clients in GIS enhancement for greater productivity and profitability.




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