Regulatory Compliance

Managing regulatory compliance can be a challenge in today’s environment. ENTRUST Solutions Group’s regulatory experts have the experience you need. You can rely on them to help take the burden off of management and ensure you not only meet requirements but stay informed and prepared for what is coming.

Our integrity team has the expertise to guide you in developing or improving your programs, providing the support you need, and understanding any concerns you have. We offer regulatory compliance services in regulatory compliance programs, integrity management, regulatory consulting, safety management systems, and many more within each of those areas.

Keeping up with state and federal regulations can feel like you’re jumping hurdles and sprinting to meet compliance dates. Let us help you win the race.


Transmission Integrity Management

ENTRUST’s Integrity engineers and staff are experts in Transmission Integrity Management Programs (TIMP) and have extensive experience with federal regulations. We offer clients a range of services to perform assessments, identify risks, and, if any risks are identified, recommend preventive and mitigative measures. This is done in accordance with Part 192 Subpart O regulations and the Mega Rule. Our services also include managing HCA and non-HCA assessments, individual procedures that are required for implementation (such as ECDA, ICDA, ILI, and HCA/MCA determination), and risk analysis.

Process Safety Management

The ENTRUST safety management systems team of professionals is well rounded, and many of them have worked on the owner’s side, giving them a unique perspective and ability to understand client concerns. These expert consultants can help develop and implement an entire program or evaluate and improve existing PSM programs for safe operations and compliance with PSM standards. We also offer many additional services, including process safety information, process hazard analysis, compliance audits, operating procedures, training, mechanical integrity, incident investigation, PSM program development, and risk management program development.

Operations and Maintenance

Our team members are experts in pipeline operations and maintenance and are committed to providing support to operators with procedure development, gap analysis, and updates of existing procedures. ENTRUST also offers a wide variety of related services, including procedures for implementation, internal processes, recordkeeping, and writing operations and maintenance manuals. We also aid operators with consolidation of plans, procedures and documentation due to mergers/acquisitions. This process is utilized to address code compliance issues, align cultures, and engage with stakeholders for commitment and feedback to ensure it all comes together cohesively.

Procedure and Manual Development

ENTRUST experts are often asked to perform gap analysis/audit, update/modify, or write manuals and procedures for: Integrity Management Programs (i.e. TIMP, DIMP, SIMP, FIMP and LQ-IMP); pipeline safety programs, including Damage Prevention Programs (DPP), Public Awareness Programs (PAP), Emergency Response Plans (ERP), and Operator Qualification (OQ); and other major types such as design and construction manuals, welding manuals, corrosion manuals, and control room management (CRM) plans. Our services can be as brief or comprehensive as clients’ needs dictate.

Facility Integrity Management

ENTRUST’s consulting specialists support the development of Facility Integrity Management Programs (FIMP). This includes formalizing plans and procedures, performing risk evaluation, gathering and/or performing data integration, providing process safety information, and conducting P&ID walk-downs. The teams are experts in GIS and database management and provide services related to data quality, asset registers, inspection and maintenance procedures, corrosion control, and metallurgical consulting

ASV and RCV Studies and Analysis

ENTRUST Consulting staff provides support for operators when evaluating the need for automatic shutoff valves (ASV) and/or remote-controlled valves (RCV). Our services include performing risk-based analysis of the system to determine how the implementation of safety devices can ensure adequate response time in an emergency situation. Risk criteria takes into account HCA, MCA, and class location analysis data, while stakeholder feedback is utilized to evaluate individual response times compared to benefits of using safety devices.

In-Line Inspection

The ENTRUST consulting and data solutions teams are committed to helping clients perform assessments to determine the integrity of their pipeline. In-line inspection (ILI) is one of our premier services to assess the integrity of transmission pipelines, storage fields, natural gas storage fields, downhole natural gas storage fields, and wells. This analysis also includes understanding threats and risks, performing data review and analysis, integrating information into GIS, and providing detailed recommendations.

Direct Assessment (ECDA, ICDA, SCCDA)

Direct assessment services, including external corrosion direct assessment (ECDA), internal corrosion direct assessment (ICDA), and stress corrosion cracking direct assessment (SCCDA) are performed by ENTRUST’s team of highly qualified engineers and code compliance experts. The four-phase assessments support regulatory compliance, advance safety, and reduction of future costs. Services we provide include threat and risk assessments, field surveys, data integration, direct examination support, anomaly investigation, and design of repair/replacement work.

Threat and Risk Analysis

Threat and risk analysis experts at ENTRUST assist clients by looking at their pipeline system holistically, determining which pipeline threats apply to their systems, and then providing a risk ranking on the threats to their system. This process determines which assessment methods will be required to evaluate the integrity of those threats and risk. The resulting data is incorporated back into the risk rankings, which is typically performed more than once a year for our clients.

Continual Evaluation

ENTRUST’s highly trained staff has extensive experience developing and implementing Continual Evaluation processes used to evaluate results and make process improvements. The process is cyclical in nature and begins with an initial assessment. ENTRUST can help operators analyze if the processes in place are effective and define an interval appropriate between assessments as they schedule and plan work. This helps operators practice the cycle of routine monitoring and evaluation, followed by continuous improvement within a specified timeframe that meets regulatory requirements. Our team also aids operators in cost saving considerations by developing a holistic plan based on results.

Records Validation

ENTRUST’s team is experts in record validation, a comprehensive service that goes beyond what code requires when retrieving data to perform calculations for Maximum Allowable Operating Pressure (MAOP). We expand on the data collection to encompass what is required by code, as well as other available data (sometimes 50 or more additional attributes) during that process that is extremely useful and would be cost-prohibitive to go back later and collect. This additional information is then integrated into clients’ GIS system and is extremely useful later when planning any work on the pipeline, such as corrosion.

MAOP Reconfirmation

ENTRUST Solutions Group provides support for the six methods operators may utilize for pipeline(s) subject to MAOP Reconfirmation. These essential services include:

  • Performing a pressure test, and if the records are not traceable, verifiable, and complete (TVC), cut-outs will be required at the test manifold for material verification,
  • Pressure reduction,
  • Pressure reduction for segments with small PIR,
  • Replacement, with CP system updates and post-construction surveys,
  • Engineering critical assessment (ECA), a detailed process per §192.632,
  • Or, alternative technology.

Our subject matter experts provide all necessary information so operators can determine the method best suited to their situation. They also look for efficiencies that can be obtained by combining projects or evaluation schedules, particularly when looking at the overall capital program.

HCA, MCA and Class Location Analysis

When it comes to class location analysis and determination of high consequence areas (HCA) and moderate consequence areas (MCA), ENTRUST Solutions Group has a specialized team ready to help. They have assisted countless operators in determining the population density surrounding their potential impact circle (PIC) and whether they meet criteria for HCA or MCA. This determination plays a vital role in pipeline design, operations and maintenance, and integrity management requirements.

Program Gap Analysis and Audit

Our ENTRUST team utilizes federal and state requirements to perform a gap analysis for organizations and pipeline systems, including transmission integrity management, distribution integrity management, pipeline safety management systems, public awareness programs, and damage prevention. Our experts also have extensive industry knowledge and operations experience to provide high-level recommendations for operators to implement to continuously improve their pipeline safety programs. We also offer process gap analysis, control room management, and support to correct operational and safety issues.

Jurisdictional Audit Support

ENTRUST Solutions Group provides jurisdictional audit support for Intrastate (State) and Interstate (PHMSA) operators. Our staff is well prepared to provide support for pipeline safety audits for any part of the code, but particularly for key subparts such as TIMP, DIMP, and SIMP. Included in this service is a review of processes and procedures to ensure they meet code requirements, a review of records and evidence to support compliance, or to review specific documentation or evidence as necessary. We can also assist in preparing responses to audit questions and/or protocols. Other preparation services may include bulleted talking points, presentations to use during the audit, or conducting a mock audit. In addition to preparation, we can be present or provide on-call support during an audit.

Strategic Improvement Plans

Strategic improvement plans are a valuable tool and service ENTRUST provides to help operators take a more global view of their system. Instead of taking an up-close view as many of ENTRUST’s services around assessments, analysis, and studies do, this allows our experts to evaluate them holistically. ENTRUST’s team has a broad range of experience to identify gaps, areas where efficiencies can be improved, or places where a more tailored approach or timeframe could result in cost savings.

Due Diligence

Due diligence, as a service, utilizes our expert team to take a close look at an asset or group of assets, such as a pipeline, station, facility, or a combination of them prior to purchase. Our evaluation focuses on physical conditions, the quality and completeness of records, and cost estimation of upcoming maintenance. Our team of experts has extensive experience assessing both conditions and recordkeeping and can help to reduce any surprises after the purchase is complete.


ENTRUST experts have offered training as a service for many years. We are available to help train your engineers and/or staff on your internal engineering or design standards. This ensures consistency across your organization and can be tailored to your organization’s needs, whether annual or every other year. We focus the content on your needs and will include overall industry knowledge as requested. Our trainers have extensive knowledge and the ability to field questions from your staff. Examples of content we can cover includes, but is not limited to, engineering, design requirements, design process, TIMP, DIMP, SIMP, PSMS, PSM, recordkeeping, and regulatory changes or updates.

Pipeline Safety Management Systems (PSMS)

ENTRUST Solutions Group’s Safety Management Systems (SMS) team is fully qualified to help evaluate, develop and implement a comprehensive pipeline safety management system (PSMS) and/or build upon existing pipeline safety programs.  The SMS team consists of individuals with extensive knowledge and experience in Process Safety Management (PSM) and PSMS to aid in the development and implementation of non-mandatory American Petroleum Institute (API) Recommended Practice 1173 “Pipeline Safety Management System.” SMS services include elements such as gap assessments, PSMS roadmap, PSMS framework development, element implementation, PSMS effectiveness, process hazard analysis (PHA), management of change (MOC), incident investigations, and process safety information (PSI) development.

Process Safety Management

The ENTRUST safety management systems team of professionals is well rounded, and many of them have worked on the owner’s side, giving them a unique perspective and ability to understand client concerns. These expert consultants can help develop and implement an entire program or evaluate and improve existing PSM programs for safe operations and compliance with PSM standards. We also offer many additional services, including process safety information, process hazard analysis, compliance audits, operating procedures, training, mechanical integrity, incident investigation, PSM program development, and risk management program development.

Process Hazard Analysis (PHA)

Our consultants have the knowledge and expertise to facilitate and lead your process hazard analysis (PHA) in your efforts to enhance the safety of your operation. We have highly trained facilitators and leaders with backgrounds in various industries which require PHAs to be performed. Services that ENTRUST offers in connection with PHAs include evaluating various systems and processes, setting of software to define the scenarios, identifying potential consequences from those scenarios, and identifying causes that create those scenarios. The final step in the PHA process is to generate a report for our clients that outlines our findings and offers recommendations.

Process Safety Information (PSI)

As a part of a process safety management program, process safety information is a service ENTRUST offers to our clients to develop the process safety information itself in order to be in compliance with regulations. Our team of experts will do the work necessary to bring your data records information into compliance, whether it is upgrading for an existing pipeline or developing it for a new pipeline. This could include many different items, such as electrical classification, creating process flow diagrams, developing the information for safety systems, maximum intended inventory levels, or process chemistry tables.

Management of Change

To ensure that health, safety, and environmental risks are evaluated and under control before changes are made, a management of change program must be in place for those required to follow process safety management rules. At ENTRUST, our expert teams have the experience you need to do this. We gather the data necessary to develop clients’ governance documents outlining the protocols and processes for conducting a MOC. We can also supply staff to support the MOC requests, documentation during turnaround events, or other support requests.

Mechanical Integrity Programs

ENTRUST’s expert consultants have extensive experience developing comprehensive solutions for mechanical integrity programs to ensure reliability, safety, and compliance with regulations. With this service, we can support your efforts by developing, implementing, or improving your mechanical integrity program. This generally includes developing or upgrading a written manual or governance document, providing training on how to remain in compliance, developing the inspection and testing protocols, and developing quality assurance protocols.

Layer of Protection Analysis (LOPA)

When making risk management decisions, our clients often choose to partner with ENTRUST Solutions Group for a Layer of Protection Analysis (LOPA). Similar to PHA, we provide a facilitator to conduct a risk analysis. This service includes identifying the highest risk causes and scenarios and putting them through the quantitative method layer of protection analysis to determine the number of independent protection layers required to mitigate or prevent each identified catastrophic consequence. Our facilitators are trained and certified to lead an organization and their team through those processes, to reduce the overall risk of a catastrophic incident.





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