Import Global Input Data


Import Global Input Data enables you to import data into the global inputs table in the project geodatabase from an existing external tabular data source (e.g., a Microsoft Excel™ file). Your external data table must contain the necessary pipeline operating conditions, product properties, ambient conditions, and spatial constraints data needed to support the liquids HCA analysis workflow. However, rather than entering the data for each centerline route separately, as you do with the Enter Global Input Data tool, this tool allows you to import global inputs data for multiple centerline routes at once.

To learn more about the Liquids HCA Tool in general, please see Liquids HCA Tool Frequently Asked Questions.

To learn more about the structure of the Liquids HCA Tool project geodatabase, please see the Liquids HCA Tool Data Dictionary.


Each row in your external tabular data source must store the global input data values for a single centerline route, with each value stored in a separate column. This tool allows you to map columns from your external data table to columns in the global inputs table in your project geodatabase. When you run this tool, it imports all your global inputs data at once. Import Global Input Data tool parameters are divided into six sections, as described below:

1) Route Parameters

  • Input Project Database – This is the project file geodatabase you created with the Initialize Database tool. The Liquids HCA Tool project geodatabase is intended to store all data inputs and outputs generated during the analysis process.
  • Input Global Inputs Table – The global inputs table stores important attribution used by other tools throughout the Liquids HCA Analysis workflow. The global inputs table was created and initialized by the Initialize Database tool. The global inputs table is named GLOBAL_INPUTS by default; this tool searches the input project geodatabase for that name and populates this parameter with it, if found. When you ran Initialize Database, that tool copied basic route information into the global inputs table, creating one row in the table for each of your centerline route features. This tool populates the remaining columns in the global inputs using data from your input tabular data source.
  • Input Rows – This is your tabular data source to use in populating the global inputs table. Your tabular data source may be stored in any tabular data format recognized by ArcGIS Pro, including Microsoft Excel and Esri geodatabase tables and feature classes. You match columns in your tabular data source that store global inputs data values to columns in the global inputs table using this tool.
  • Route Identifier Field – This is the field that uniquely identifies your centerline routes in your input tabular data source. The values in this column will be compared with the values stored in the ORIGINAL_ROUTEM_ID column in the global inputs table; data from matching rows in your input tabular data source will be copied into the corresponding rows in the global inputs table in the project geodatabase.
  • Release Point Interval Field – This is the field in your tabular input data source that stores the release point interval. This is the spacing between release points along the centerline route feature, expressed in meters. This value is used in the creation of your release points in the Create Release Points tool. The default value for this is 30 meters. This value is stored in the SPL_POINT_INT column in the global inputs table.

2) Pipeline Properties/Operating Conditions

  • Pipe Internal Diameter Field – This is the field in your tabular input data source that stores the internal diameter of the pipeline. Units should be in inches. It is used in the drain down calculation for each release point (in the Calculate Draindown tool). The actual internal diameter of the pipeline varies with the wall thickness of the pipe; the value captured here at the route level is therefore a rough approximation of internal pipeline diameter. You will have an opportunity to provide detailed internal diameter data when you specify the pipe segment layer for the Calculate Draindown tool. If you do not have detailed pipe segment data available, an appropriate value must be stored in this field; the value stored here will be used to calculate drain down volumes. If you do have detailed pipe segment data, it will be used preferentially to calculate drain down volumes, regardless of whether a value is stored here. Pipeline internal diameter at the centerline route level is stored in the N_INT_DIAM column of the global inputs table.

For 14-inch nominal pipe diameter and larger, the actual outside diameter of the pipe is equal to the nominal pipe diameter. For 14-inch nominal diameter pipe and larger, internal diameter is therefore equal to the nominal/outside diameter minus twice the wall thickness. For 12-inch nominal pipe diameter and smaller, nominal diameter is not equal to actual outside pipe diameter. For example, the actual outside diameter of 12-inch nominal diameter pipe is 12.75 inches. For 12-inch nominal diameter pipe and smaller, internal diameter is equal to actual outside diameter minus twice the wall thickness.

In general, the value stored for internal pipeline diameter for a given route should be based on the most common wall thickness for the pipe in that route. If you do not have wall thickness information, this field should be the nominal diameter of the pipe. This will result in drain down volumes for each release point that are a little larger than the true drain down volume. This conservative approach ensures that you do not underestimate drain down volumes.

  • Pipe Roughness Field – This is the field in your tabular input data source that stores pipe roughness. Units must be meters. Pipe roughness is used in the calculation of maximum gravity drain rate in the drain down calculation for each release point (in the Calculate Draindown tool using Bernoulli’s equation for incompressible flow in pipes). The roughness of the internal pipe surface introduces friction that impedes product flow; friction losses contribute to increasing pressure head loss with increasing distance from a pumping station. Pipe roughness is stored in the PIPE_ROUGH column in the global inputs table.

Roughness values for steel pipe vary considerably with pipe condition. Some common values are:

Material Roughness (m)
Steel, welded, new 0.00005 – 0.0001
Steel, used, cleaned 0.00015 – 0.0002
Steel, lightly corroded 0.0001 – 0.0004
Steel, severely corroded 0.0004 – 0.003
Steel, light scaling 0.001 – 0.0015
Steel, heavy scaling 0.0015 – 0.004

Bear in mind that lower pipe roughness values result in higher drain rates. Higher drain rates lead to increased overland plume spread and therefore more conservative results.

  • Product Flow Direction Field – This is the field in your tabular input data source that stores product flow direction for the centerline route. It is used to delineate upstream vs. downstream flow in the pipeline in drain down calculations (in the Calculate Draindown tool). If the product flow is in the same direction as increasing measure on the centerline route, the value should be 1. Otherwise, the value should be 0. This flag value is stored in the FLOWEQSTN column in the global inputs table.
  • Pumping Flow Rate Field – This is the field in your tabular input data source that stores pumping flow rate (in bbl/hr). This is used in the drain down calculation for each release point (in the Calculate Draindown tool). This value is stored in the FLOW_RATE column in the global inputs table.
  • Pipeline Operating Temperature Field – This is the field in your tabular input data source that stores pipeline operating temperature. Units must be in degrees Centigrade. This value is needed to adjust product viscosity in the drain down calculation for each release point (in the Calculate Draindown tool, using Bernoulli’s equation for incompressible flow in pipes). This value is stored in the P_OP_TEMP column in the global inputs table.
  • Pump Shutdown Time Field – This is the field in your tabular input data source that stores the total time to shut down the pipeline, including pumps and remotely operated valves (ROVs). Units must be in minutes. This value is used in the drain down calculation for each release point (in the Calculate Draindown tool). This value is stored in the P_SD_TIME column in the global inputs table.
  • Overland Flow Response Time Field – This is the field in your tabular input data source that stores the nominal response time for the entire centerline route for an emergency response crew to achieve containment of a land-based hazardous liquids release. Units must be minutes. This value is copied into the release point feature class (OSPOINTM, by default, in the project geodatabase) for each release point when you run the Create Release Points tool. Note that response time can vary along the length of the centerline route feature. You can alter the response times for individual release points (or groups of release points) if desired. The response time stored in this field should not be the best response time, but rather a reasonable worst-case response time. This value is stored in the OFRES_TIME column in the global inputs table.
  • Hydrographic Transport Response Time Field – This is the field in your tabular input data source that stores your nominal response time for the entire centerline route for an emergency response team to achieve containment of a hazardous liquids release that enters a waterway. Units must be in minutes. Plume transport in a waterway is typically more rapid than for an overland plume, and water containment requires the staging and deployment of specialized equipment (booms, skimmers, etc.) Because of this, response time for a water-based release may vary from that of a land-based release. This value is copied into the release point feature class (OSPOINTM, by default, in the project geodatabase) for each release point when you run the Create Release Points tool. Note that response time can vary along the length of the centerline route feature. You can alter the response times for individual release points (or groups of release points) if desired. The response time stored here should not be the best response time, but rather a reasonable worst-case response time. This value is stored in the HTRES_TIME column in the global inputs table.

3) Product Properties

  • Product Type Field – This is the field in your tabular input data source that stores the name of the product to analyze. This value is stored in the M_PROD_TYP column in the global inputs table.
  • Product Density Field – This is the field in your tabular input data source that stores your product density. Units must be in grams per cubic centimeter (g/cc). This value is used both in drain down drain rate calculations (in the Calculate Draindown tool) and by GeoClaw (in the Run Cases on Azure tool) in modeling the overland spread product plume. This value is stored in the PROD_DNSTY column in the global inputs table.
  • API Gravity Field – This is the field in your tabular input data source that stores your product API gravity, which is a function of product density:

API gravity = (141.5/Product Density) – 131.5

As you can see by inspection, a heavy crude with API gravity = 10 has a product density of 1.0, the same as water. Any product with an API gravity higher than 10 is less dense than water. The API gravity value is stored in the API_GRAV column in the global inputs table.

  • C5+ Components Volume Percentage Field – This is the field in your tabular input data source that stores the volume percentage of your product that consists of components with carbon number of 5, or higher. Crude oils and many refined products are complex mixtures of many different types of pure hydrocarbon substances. The carbon number of a hydrocarbon substance is indicative of the number of carbon atoms in a single molecule of that substance. For instance, for normal pentane, carbon number (Cn) = 5. The isomers of pentane (n-pentane, methylbutane, and dimethylpropane) are all C5 Normal alkane hydrocarbons with carbon number of 5 or higher are liquids at room temperature and are amenable of overland flow plume modeling. Normal butane (C4), the butane isomer with the highest boiling point, boils at 30.2 °F. Except for n-butane at temperatures below freezing (which is a special case), hydrocarbons with Cn ≤ 4 are not amenable to liquid overland flow plume modeling because these substances flash to vapor immediately upon exposure to atmospheric temperature and pressure. For most products modeled with the Liquids HCA Tool, the C5+ volume fraction is 100%, and this is the default value for this parameter.

Some products, such as natural gas liquids (NGLs), may consist of hydrocarbon mixtures in which only a portion of the product consists of C5+ hydrocarbons. For the purposes of liquid overland flow plume modeling, only the C5+ volume fraction of such products is considered in liquids overland flow plume modeling. (In fact, the rupture of an NGL product line results in some complex processes relative to product fate, and much of the C5+ volume fraction may be initially and permanently entrained in the vapor phase of the release. Assuming that the entire C5+ volume fraction is subject to liquid overland flow is conservative in the sense that it maximizes the extent of the overland flow plume.)

This value is stored in the C5_VOL_PCT column of the global inputs table.

  • Kinematic Viscosity Field – This is the field in your tabular input data source that stores product kinematic viscosity. Units must be in centistokes (cSt). Viscosity is a measure of a fluid’s resistance to shearing stress. Product viscosity is used both in drain down drain rate calculations (in the Calculate Draindown tool) and by GeoClaw (in the Run Cases on Azure tool) in modeling the overland spread product plume. Water has dynamic/kinematic viscosity of 1.0, by definition. Hydrocarbon product viscosity in generally a function of carbon number; the higher the average carbon number of the product, the higher the viscosity. Gasoline has a kinematic viscosity slightly less than that of water; most hydrocarbon products are more viscous than water, in some cases by multiple orders of magnitude. Heavy crudes can have kinematic viscosities approaching 50,000 cSt. Please note that dynamic viscosity (units of centipascals, cP) is not the same as kinematic viscosity (units of centistokes, cSt). You may obtain kinematic viscosity by dividing dynamic viscosity by product density. This value is stored in the KIN_VISC column in the global inputs table.
  • Kinematic Viscosity Reference Temperature Field – This is the field in your tabular input data source that stores the reference temperature (in degrees Centigrade) at which your product kinematic viscosity was determined. Hydrocarbon product viscosity is highly dependent on temperature; hydrocarbon product viscosity increases with decreasing temperature. Because of this, you must specify the temperature at which the product kinematic viscosity value was determined. Product viscosity can then be adjusted to the pipeline operating temperature and ambient temperature for drain rate and overland flow rate calculations, respectively. This value is stored in the KVISC_TEMP column in the global inputs table.
  • Evaporation Equation Method Field – This is the field in your tabular input data source that stores the evaporation equation method. Evaporation is the primary product loss mechanism for the release plume. The Liquids HCA Tool uses an evaporation calculation methodology in which evaporation is a function of temperature and exposure time. This methodology was developed by an oil properties project consortium consisting of the Canadian Environmental Technology Centre (now Environment and Climate Change Canada), the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, and the U.S. Minerals Management Service (now Bureau of Ocean Energy Management) in the late 1990s based on the research of Dr. Merv F. Fingas. Laboratory-determined coefficients for the Fingas evaporation equations may be found in the PRODUCT_PROPERTIES_LOOKUP table in your project geodatabase for many of the products studied by the aforementioned consortium. When the laboratory determined Fingas evaporation equation coefficients for your product are known, the value of this field should be, ‘Fingas.’

In many cases, you will be modeling products not found in the PRODUCT_PROPERTIES_LOOKUP table. To accommodate this, G2-IS performed a regression analysis of all the hydrocarbon products for which Fingas evaporation coefficients are known, enabling the approximation of Fingas evaporation coefficients as a function of product API gravity (product density). If you do not know the laboratory determined Fingas evaporation equation coefficients for your product, the value stored in this field should be, ‘G2-IS.’ When the evaporation method is ‘G2-IS,’ the Fingas evaporation equation coefficients are automatically calculated based on product API gravity.

‘G2-IS’ is the default evaporation equation method. This value is stored in the EQ_TYPE column in the global inputs table.

  • Equation Form Indicator Field – This is the field in your tabular input data source that stores the form of the Fingas evaporation equation. It should take one of two forms:
    • Logarithmic: Percent Evaporated = (C1 + C2T)ln(t)
    • Square Root: Percent Evaporated = (C1 + C2T)(t)5

Where C1 is Fingas coefficient 1, C2 is Fingas coefficient 2, T is ambient temperature, and t is elapsed time from the start of the release in minutes.

The logarithmic form of the equation is primarily applicable to crude oils; the square root form is primarily applicable to refined products. You must know which form of the equation is applicable to your evaporation coefficients. When the equation method is ‘G2-IS,’ you should set the equation form based on the general product type. Regardless of which type you specify, appropriate evaporation equation coefficients are calculated. ‘Logarithmic’ is the default evaporation equation form. This value is stored in the EQ_FORM column in the global inputs table.

  • Fingas Coefficient 1 Field – This is the field in your tabular input data source that stores your Fingas coefficient 1 value. This value is stored in the FINGAS_1 column in the global inputs table.
  • Fingas Coefficient 2 Field – This is the field in your tabular input data source that stores your Fingas coefficient 2 value. This value is stored in the FINGAS_2 column in the global inputs table.
  • Product Vapor Pressure Field – This is the field in your tabular input data source that stores your product vapor pressure. Units must be in pounds per square inch (psi). This value is used in the drain down calculation for each release point (in the Calculate Draindown tool). When gravity drain down is complete, the evacuated portions of the line not open to air are subject to the product vapor pressure. For the first filled segment open to air, the product column elevation rises higher than the elevation of the release point due to atmospheric pressure acting on the product column in the pipe. This difference in elevation may be expressed mathematically as:

Δh = (atmospheric pressure – product vapor pressure) / (product density * g)

Where Δh is the difference in elevation and g is the acceleration of gravity.

This value is stored in the P_VAPOR column in the global inputs table.

  • Product Distillation Temperature Field – This is the field in your tabular input data source that stores your product distillation fraction temperature. Units must be in degrees Centigrade. Distillation temperature is an important variable in the collection of boiling point distribution data for complex hydrocarbon mixtures. Boiling point distribution data was used in the derivation of the G2-IS evaporation equation and is an important adjunct to API gravity in performing the regression analysis of known crudes for the G2-IS evaporation equation method. Because the G2-IS evaporation equation is dependent only API gravity, distillation data is optional. The G2-IS evaporation equation utilized a distillation temperature of 180 °C for regression; so, if you have boiling point distribution data, please provide data at 180 °C. Distillation temperature is stored in the T_DIST column in the global inputs table.
  • Product Distillation Volume Field – This is the field in your tabular input data source that stores your product volume percent distilled at the given distillation temperature. Distillation volume at a given temperature provides information about the carbon number distribution of the product and is related in a general fashion to the API gravity of the product. Like the product distillation temperature, this field value is optional. Distillation volume is stored in the PCT_VDIST column in the global inputs table.

4) Ambient Conditions

  • Ambient Temperature Field – This is the field in your tabular input data source that stores outside ambient temperature. Units must be in degrees Centigrade. Ambient temperature is a controlling factor for both evaporation and product viscosity. In general, higher ambient temperature results in higher evaporation rates. This effect is more pronounced for light (low carbon number) products than it is for heavier (high carbon number) products. Low carbon number products (e.g., gasoline) will evaporate completely in time and evaporate more quickly at higher ambient temperatures. Heavy crudes, conversely, evaporate slowly, and, within the context of typical model time constraints, never evaporate completely.

Viscosity of hydrocarbon products increases with decreasing temperature. This effect is far more pronounced for heavy products than for light products. The viscosity of gasoline, for instance, varies little over typical winter-summer temperature ranges. Heavy crudes, in contrast, become extremely viscous at low winter temperatures.

Given that you should attempt to model reasonable worst-case scenarios, G2-IS best practice is to model light products (e.g., gasoline) at low, winter ambient temperatures, and heavy products (e.g., heavy crude oil) at high, summer ambient temperatures. Low ambient temperature has little effect on the viscosity of light products, but significantly retards evaporation. Low ambient temperatures enable light product plumes to persist longer in the environment, producing more conservative results for ‘could affect’ segments. High ambient temperatures significantly reduce the viscosity of heavy products and result in only moderately increased evaporation rates. High ambient temperatures enable heavy product plumes to travel farther overland, producing more conservative results for ‘could affect’ segments. The default value is 13.5 °C (~60 °F). Your ambient temperature value is stored in the T_AMB column in the global inputs table.

  • Wind Velocity Field– This is the field in your tabular input data source that stores wind velocity, which is used in the calculation of shoreline wave run-up in support of product loss calculations on small waterbodies (in the Hydro Trace tool). Units must be in meters per second (m/s). Higher wind velocities result in larger product losses. The Beaufort scale provides a handy reference for wind velocities; a moderate breeze on the Beaufort scale ranges from 5.5 to 7.9 m/s. A reasonable wind velocity value is 6.7 m/s (~15 mph). Wind velocity values are stored in the WIND_VEL column in the global inputs table.

5) Default Values

  • Large Waterbody Slick Thickness Field – This is the field in your tabular input data source that stores slick thickness for large waterbodies. Units must be in meters. Large waterbody slick thickness is used in product loss calculations for large waterbodies (in the Hydro Trace tool). A reasonable value is 0.004 m. This value is stored in the SLICK_THK column in the global inputs table.
  • Small Waterbody Slick Thickness Factor Field – This is the field in your tabular input data source that stores slick thickness for small waterbodies. Units must be in meters. Small waterbody slick thickness is used in product loss calculations for small waterbodies (in the Hydro Trace tool). A reasonable value is 0.0005 m. This value is stored in the SLKTHKSMWB column in the global inputs table.
  • Waterbody Threshold Size Field – This is the field in your tabular input data source that stores the threshold size for large waterbodies. Units must be in square meters. The Hydro Trace tool models flow through small waterbodies, and transitions to a radial slick spread mode in large waterbodies. The waterbody threshold size marks the boundary of this transition. A reasonable waterbody threshold size is 40,489 m2 (10 acres). This value is stored in the MAXWBAREA column in the global inputs table.
  • Shoreline Product Adhesion Field – This is the field in your tabular input data source that stores the rate at which product adheres to the shoreline. Units must be in grams per square meter (g/m2). Shoreline product adhesion is used in shoreline product loss calculations for small waterbodies (in the Hydro Trace tool). A conservative value is 15 g/m2, which is a reasonable adhesion value for a light, sweet crude oil on steel. This default results in a conservative shoreline product loss value; actual shoreline lost values could easily be higher by an order of magnitude. This value is stored in the WB_ADHSN column in the global inputs table.
  • Waterbody Depth Field – This is the field in your tabular input data source that stores average waterbody depth for small waterbodies. Units must be in meters. Average waterbody depth is used in shoreline product loss calculations for small waterbodies (in the Hydro Trace tool). A reasonable waterbody depth is 3.05 m (10 feet). This value is stored in the DEPTH_H2O column in the global inputs table.
  • Waterbody Bank Inclination Angle Field – This is the field in your tabular input data source that stores the bank inclination angle for small waterbodies. Units must be in degrees. Bank inclination angle is used in shoreline product loss calculations for small waterbodies (in the Hydro Trace tool). A reasonable bank inclination angle is 14.1 degrees. This value is stored in the BANK_ANGLE column in the global inputs table.
  • Product Adhesion Rate Field – This is the field in your tabular input data source that stores the rate at which product adheres to the ground during overland flow. Units must be in grams per square meter (g/m2). The ground surface product adhesion rate is a measure of how much product is left behind after the release plume passes. A conservative value is 0 g/m2, which is applicable to a reasonable worst-case scenario involving a release during a rain event, in which case there is no product adhesion to the ground surface. This value is stored in the ADHSN_RT column in the global inputs table.
  • Product Infiltration Rate Field – This is the field in your tabular input data source that stores the rate at which the product infiltrates into the ground. The ground surface product infiltration rate is a measure of how much product infiltrates into the underlying soil as a function of time. Units must be in Darcy flux units (volume per unit area per unit time, or bbl/m2/hr), which is common to reservoir engineering, rather than in the mm/hr units more common to hydrography. (Note, however, that the unit dimensions are the same.) Infiltration rate is determined by the porosity of the surface and its permeability relative to the product, and the product hydraulic head (product column height or flow depth). Given these variables, infiltration rate can be calculated by application of Darcy’s Law. Because of the lack of detailed soils data on a large scale, and the lack of published permeability data for common petroleum products in common soils, infiltration rate is treated as a constant in the current version of the G2-IS Liquids HCA Tool. A conservative value is zero, which results in maximum propagation of the release plume. This value is stored in the INFIL_RT column in the global inputs table.
  • Draindown Calculation Z Tolerance Field – This is the field in your tabular input data source that stores elevation tolerance that is used to build the elevation profile for your release points. Units must be in meters. When the Calculate Draindown tool performs its calculations, it uses your release points to establish the elevation profile for the centerline route. Often, there are more points than needed to establish a sufficiently accurate elevation profile. The Z tolerance value specifies the elevation tolerance that is used to depopulate the elevation profile. In general, this value should be equal to the centerline route nominal diameter. Release points that are significant in Z are retained for the drain down calculation. This value is stored in the Z_TOL column in the global inputs table.
  • Draindown Calculation X/Y Tolerance Field – This is the field in your tabular input data source that stores X/Y tolerance that is used to build the X/Y profile for your release points. Units must be in meters. When the Calculate Draindown tool performs its calculations, it uses the release points to establish the X/Y profile for the centerline route. Often, there are more points than needed to sufficiently define the shape of the centerline route in X and Y. The X/Y tolerance value specifies the X/Y tolerance that is used to depopulate the X/Y profile (shape) of the centerline route. In general, this value should be equal to the spacing of your release points. Release points that are significant in X and Y are retained for the drain down calculation. This parameter value is stored in the XY_TOL column in the global inputs table.

6) Used by Calculate HCA Intersections

All of the field values in this section must be stored in units of meters.

  • Centerline Drinking Water Buffer Distance Field – This field in your tabular input data source stores the buffer distance for direct centerline intersections of drinking water resource unusually sensitive areas, a.k.a. drinking water areas (DWAs). This value is stored in the CENTERLINE_DW_BUF column in the global inputs table.
  • Centerline Ecologically Sensitive Area Buffer Distance Field – This field in your tabular input data source stores the buffer distance for direct centerline intersections of ecological resource unusually sensitive areas, a.k.a. ecologically sensitive areas (ESAs). This value is stored in the CENTERLINE_EC_BUF column in the global inputs table.
  • Centerline Highly Populated Area Buffer Distance Field – This field in your tabular input data source stores the buffer distance for direct centerline intersections of high population areas (HPAs). This value is stored in the CENTERLINE_HPA_BUF column in the global inputs table.
  • Centerline Navigable Waterway Buffer Distance Field – This field in your tabular input data source stores the buffer distance for direct centerline intersections of commercially navigable waterways (CNWs). This value is stored in the CENTERLINE_NW_BUF column in the global inputs table.
  • Centerline Other Populated Area Buffer Distance Field – This field in your tabular input data source stores the buffer distance for direct centerline intersections of other populated areas (OPAs). This value is stored in the CENTERLINE_OPA_BUF column in the global inputs table.
  • Overland Flow Drinking Water Buffer Distance Field – This field in your tabular input data source stores the buffer distance for overland flow plume intersections of DWAs. This value is stored in the OF_DW_BUF column in the global inputs table.
  • Overland Flow Ecologically Sensitive Area Buffer Distance Field – This field in your tabular input data source stores the buffer distance for overland flow plume intersections of ESAs. This value is stored in the OF_EC_BUF column in the global inputs table.
  • Overland Flow Highly Populated Area Buffer Distance Field – This field in your tabular input data source stores the buffer distance for overland flow plume intersections of HPAs. This value is stored in the OF_HPA_BUF column in the global inputs table.
  • Overland Flow Navigable Water Waterways Buffer Distance Field – This field in your tabular input data source stores the buffer distance for overland flow plume intersections of CNWs. This value is stored in the OF_NW_BUF column in the global inputs table.
  • Overland Flow Other Populated Area Buffer Distance Field – This field in your tabular input data source stores the buffer distance for overland flow plume intersections of OPAs. This value is stored in the OF_OPA_BUF column in the global inputs table.
  • Hydro Trace Drinking Water Buffer Distance Field – This field in your tabular input data source stores the buffer distance for hydrographic transport plume intersections of DWAs. This value is stored in the HT_DW_BUF column in the global inputs table.
  • Hydro Trace Ecologically Sensitive Area Buffer Distance Field – This field in your tabular input data source stores the buffer distance for hydrographic transport plume intersections of ESAs. This value is stored in the HT_EC_BUF column in the global inputs table.
  • Hydro Trace Highly Populated Area Buffer Distance Field – This field in your tabular input data source stores the buffer distance for hydrographic transport plume intersections of HPAs. This value is stored in the HT_HPA_BUF column in the global inputs table.
  • Hydro Trace Navigable Water Waterways Buffer Distance Field – This field in your tabular input data source stores the buffer distance for hydrographic transport plume intersections of CNWs. This value is stored in the HT_NW_BUF column in the global inputs table.
  • Hydro Trace Other Populated Area Buffer Distance Field – This field in your tabular input data source stores the buffer distance for hydrographic transport plume intersections of OPAs. This value is stored in the HT_OPA_BUF column in the global inputs table.

In a typical liquids HCA analysis workflow, Import Global Inputs Data is run after Initialize Database.

For visual reference on Liquids HCA Tool execution order, see Liquids HCA Tool Process Flow Diagrams.


ImportGlobalInputData_ (in_workspace, in_global_inputs, In_rows in_route_id_field, in_spl_pt_int, in_n_int_diam, in_pipe_rough, in_floweqstn, in_flow_rate, in_p_op_temp, in_p_sd_time, in_ofres_time, in_htres_time, in_m_prod_typ, in_prod_dnsty, in_api_grav, in_c5_vol_pct, in_kin_visc, in_kvisc_temp, in_eq_type, in_eq_form, in_fingas_1, in_fingas_2, in_p_vapor, {in_t_dist}, {in_pct_vdist}, in_t_amb, in_wind_vel, in_slick_thk, in_slkthksmwb, in_maxwbarea, in_wb_adhsn, in_depth_h2o, in_bank_angle, in_adhsn_rt, in_infil_rt, in_z_tol, in_xy_tol, {in_cl_dw_buf}, {in_cl_ec_buf}, {in_cl_hpa_buf}, {in_cl_nw_buf}, {in_cl_opa_buf}, {in_of_dw_buf}, {in_of_ec_buf}, {in_of_hpa_buf}, {in_of_nw_buf}, {in_of_opa_buf}, {in_ht_dw_buf}, {in_ht_ec_buf}, {in_ht_hpa_buf}, {in_ht_nw_buf}, {in_ht_opa_buf})

Parameter Explanation Data Type

Dialog Reference

Specify your input project database.

There is no Python reference for this parameter


Dialog Reference

Select the global inputs table in the project geodatabase.

There is no Python reference for this parameter.

Table View

Dialog Reference

Specify your tabular data source to use in populating the global inputs table.

There is no Python reference for this parameter.

Table View

Dialog Reference

Select the field that uniquely identifies your centerline routes in your input tabular data source.

There is no Python reference for this parameter.


Dialog Reference

Select the field in your input tabular data source that stores the release point sampling interval (in meters).

There is no Python reference for this parameter.


Dialog Reference

Select the field in your input tabular data source that stores centerline route nominal interior diameter (in inches).

There is no Python reference for this parameter.


Dialog Reference

Select the field in your input tabular data source that stores pipe roughness (in meters).

There is no Python reference for this parameter.


Dialog Reference

Select the field in your input tabular data source that stores product flow direction. 1 for with increasing centerline route measure; 0 for against increasing centerline route measure.

There is no Python reference for this parameter.


Dialog Reference

Select the field in your input tabular data source that stores pumping flow rate (in bbl/hr).

There is no Python reference for this parameter.


Dialog Reference

Select the field in your input tabular data source that stores pipeline operating temperature (in degrees C).

There is no Python reference for this parameter.


Dialog Reference

Select the field in your input tabular data source that stores the time required to shut down the pumps and ROVs (in minutes).

There is no Python reference for this parameter.


Dialog Reference

Select the field in your input tabular data source that stores overland flow response time (in minutes).

There is no Python reference for this parameter.


Dialog Reference

Select the field in your input tabular data source that stores hydrographic transport response time (in minutes).

There is no Python reference for this parameter.


Dialog Reference

Select the field input tabular data source that stores the name of your product.

There is no Python reference for this parameter.


Dialog Reference

Select the field in your input tabular data source that stores product density (in g/cc).

There is no Python reference for this parameter.


Dialog Reference

Select the field in your input tabular data source that stores product API gravity.

There is no Python reference for this parameter.


Dialog Reference

Select the field in your input tabular data source that stores volume percentage of C5+ components in the product.

There is no Python reference for this parameter.


Dialog Reference

Select the field in your input tabular data source that stores the kinematic viscosity (in centistokes) of your product.

There is no Python reference for this parameter.


Dialog Reference

Select the field in your input tabular data source that stores the temperature at which product kinematic viscosity was determined (in degrees C).

There is no Python reference for this parameter.


Dialog Reference

Select the field in your input tabular data source that stores the evaporation equation method (‘Fingas’ or ‘G2-IS’).

There is no Python reference for this parameter.


Dialog Reference

Select the field in your input tabular data source that stores the equation form of the evaporation equation (‘Logarithmic’ or ‘Square Root’).

There is no Python reference for this parameter.


Dialog Reference

Select the field in your input tabular data source that stores Fingas evaporation coefficient 1.

There is no Python reference for this parameter.


Dialog Reference

Select the field in your input tabular data source that stores Fingas evaporation coefficient 2.

There is no Python reference for this parameter.


Dialog Reference

Select the field in your input tabular data source that stores the product vapor pressure (in psi) at the pipeline operating temperature.

There is no Python reference for this parameter.




Dialog Reference

Select the field in your input tabular data source that stores the distillation temperature (in degrees C) of the product distillation fraction.

There is no Python reference for this parameter.




Dialog Reference

Select the field in your input tabular data source that stores the product volume percentage distilled at the distillation temperature.

There is no Python reference for this parameter.


Dialog Reference

Select the field in your input tabular data source that stores the ambient temperature (in degrees C).

There is no Python reference for this parameter.


Dialog Reference

Select the field in your input tabular data source that stores the wind velocity (in m/s).

There is no Python reference for this parameter.


Dialog Reference

Select the field in your input tabular data source that stores large waterbody slick thickness (in meters).

There is no Python reference for this parameter.


Dialog Reference

Select the field in your input tabular data source that stores small waterbody slick thickness factor (in meters).

There is no Python reference for this parameter.


Dialog Reference

Select the field in your input tabular data source that stores large waterbody threshold size (in square meters).

There is no Python reference for this parameter.


Dialog Reference

Select the field in your input tabular data source that stores the shoreline adhesion rate (in g/m2).

There is no Python reference for this parameter.


Dialog Reference

Select the field in your input tabular data source that stores small waterbody average depth (in meters).

There is no Python reference for this parameter.


Dialog Reference

Select the field in your input tabular data source that stores small waterbody bank inclination angle (in degrees).

There is no Python reference for this parameter.


Dialog Reference

Select the field in your input tabular data source that stores the product ground adhesion rate (in g/m2).

There is no Python reference for this parameter.


Dialog Reference

Select the field in your input tabular data source that stores the product ground infiltration rate (in bbl/m2/hr).

There is no Python reference for this parameter.


Dialog Reference

Select the field in your input tabular data source that stores the Z tolerance for elevation profile simplification (in meters).

There is no Python reference for this parameter.


Dialog Reference

Select the field in your input tabular data source that stores the X/Y tolerance for centerline route shape simplification (in meters).

There is no Python reference for this parameter.




Dialog Reference

Select the field in your input tabular data source that stores the centerline – DWQ buffer distance (in meters).

There is no Python reference for this parameter.




Dialog Reference

Select the field in your input tabular data source that stores the centerline – ESA buffer distance (in meters).

There is no Python reference for this parameter.




Dialog Reference

Select the field in your input tabular data source that stores the centerline – HPA buffer distance (in meters).

There is no Python reference for this parameter.




Dialog Reference

Select the field in your input tabular data source that stores the centerline – navigable waterway buffer distance (in meters).

There is no Python reference for this parameter.




Dialog Reference

Select the field in your input tabular data source that stores the centerline – OPA buffer distance (in meters).

There is no Python reference for this parameter.




Dialog Reference

Select the field in your input tabular data source that stores the overland flow – DWA buffer distance (in meters).

There is no Python reference for this parameter.




Dialog Reference

Select the field in your input tabular data source that stores the overland flow – ESA buffer distance (in meters).

There is no Python reference for this parameter.




Dialog Reference

Select the field in your input tabular data source that stores the overland flow – HPA buffer distance (in meters).

There is no Python reference for this parameter.




Dialog Reference

Select the field in your input tabular data source that stores the overland flow – navigable waterway buffer distance (in meters).

There is no Python reference for this parameter.




Dialog Reference

Select the field in your input tabular data source that stores the overland flow – OPA buffer distance (in meters).

There is no Python reference for this parameter.




Dialog Reference

Select the field in your input tabular data source that stores the hydro trace – DWA buffer distance (in meters).

There is no Python reference for this parameter.




Dialog Reference

Select the field in your input tabular data source that stores the hydro trace – ESA buffer distance (in meters).

There is no Python reference for this parameter.




Dialog Reference

Select the field in your input tabular data source that stores the hydro trace – HPA buffer distance (in meters).

There is no Python reference for this parameter.




Dialog Reference

Select the field in your input tabular data source that stores the hydro trace – navigable waterway buffer distance (in meters).

There is no Python reference for this parameter.




Dialog Reference

Select the field in your input tabular data source that stores the hydro trace – OPA buffer distance (in meters).

There is no Python reference for this parameter.


Code sample

The following Python window script demonstrates how to use Import Global Input Data with a file project geodatabase:

import arcpy
arcpy.ImportToolbox(r”C:\Program Files\ArcGIS\Pro\bin\Python\envs\arcgispro-py3\Lib\site-packages\liquidshca\esri\toolboxes\LiquidsHCA.pyt”)
in_workspace = r”C:\data\test0.gdb”
in_global_inputs = r”C:\data\test0.gdb\GLOBAL_INPUTS”
route_id = 2010
line_id = 1
route_fm = 0
route_tm = 12146.34
spl_pt_int = 30
pos_acc = 0
n_int_diam = 7.981
pipe_rough = 4.572E-05
floweqstn = 1
flow_rate = 944
p_op_temp = 11
p_sd_time = 38
ofres_time = 120
htres_time = 120
m_prod_typ = “AmmoniaHydroxide”
prod_dnst = 880
api_grav = 39.81
c5_vol_pct = 0
kin_visc = 0.3
kvisc_temp = 11
eq_form = “Logarithmic”
eq_type = “Fingas”
fingas_1 = 1.56
fingas_2 = 0.045
p_vapor = 8.5
t_dist = 0
pct_vdist = 0
t_amb = 48.89
stream_vel = 3.13
wind_vel = 6.4
slick_thk = 0.004
slkthksmwb = 0.0005
maxwbarea = 10
wb_adhsn = 15
depth_h2o = 4.48
bank_angle = 14.1
adhsn_rt = 15
infil_rt = 0
z_tol = 0.254
xy_tol = 30
arcpy.liquidshca.ImportGlobalInputData(in_workspace, in_global_inputs, route_id, line_id, route_fm, route_tm, spl_pt_int, pos_acc, n_int_diam, pipe_rough, floweqstn, flow_rate, p_op_temp, p_sd_time, ofres_time, htres_time, m_prod_typ, prod_dnst, api_grav, c5_vol_pct, kin_visc, kvisc_temp, eq_form, eq_type, fingas_1, fingas_2, p_vapor, t_dist, pct_vdist, t_amb, stream_vel, wind_vel , slick_thk, slkthksmwb, maxwbarea , wb_adhsn, depth_h2o, bank_angle, adhsn_rt, infil_rt, z_tol, xy_tol)


Current Workspace, Scratch Workspace, Default Output Z Value, M Resolution, M Tolerance, Output M Domain, Output XY Domain, Output Z Domain, Output Coordinate System, Extent, Geographic Transformations, Output has M values, Output has Z values, XY Resolution, XY Tolerance, Z Resolution, Z Tolerance

Licensing information

This tool requires a valid Liquids HCA Tool user license or subscription. Please see the Request License and Register License tool help topics for details on obtaining and registering a Gas HCA Tool software license.

Related topics


Pipeline, hazardous liquids, high consequence area, HCA, high population area, HPA, other populated area, OPA, ecologically sensitive area, ESA, drinking water area, DWA, commercially navigable waterway, CNW, could affect.


Copyright © 2003-2020 by G2 Integrated Solutions, LLC. All Rights Reserved.

Use limitations

There are no access and use limitations for this item.