
CRM and Alarm Management Plans Reviewed Prior to Audit


SCADA Alarm Management and Control Room Management Audit


An interstate distribution company called on ENTRUST Solutions Group to perform a Control Room Management (CRM) audit, revise CRM plans and procedures, rationalize their SCADA alarms, and develop an Alarm Management Plan with related procedures.


To meet the Pipeline Safety: Control Room Management/Human Factors rule, the client wanted an independent review prior to PHMSA and State Commission audits. In addition, they wanted assistance revising and developing CRM and Alarm Management Plans, coupled with alarm rationalization, to comply with the Control Room Management requirements in 49 CFR 192.


To support the client’s continued Control Room Management development, ENTRUST Solutions Group completed the following project tasks:


  • Performed a review of CRM policies and procedures
  • Performed personnel interviews to understand practices
  • Reviewed all CRM related documentation to confirm compliance with written procedures and jurisdictional requirements
  • Provided an analysis of specific aspects needed to meet the federal rule, guidance, and industry best practices

Alarm Management

  • Developed an overview and plan
  • Defined safety related alarms, points, and rationalization process
  • Defined normal, abnormal, and emergency operations and controller response
  • Performed alarm reviews
  • Developed alarm performance metrics
  • Prepared an alarm philosophy document

Alarm Rationalization

  • Identified bad actor/nuisance alarms
  • Identified alarms most critical to safety and operations
  • Defined attributes of each alarm
  • Documented consequences and response time
  • Documented operator action
  • Prioritized alarms

Upon completion of these projects, the client was able to identify areas needing revision for compliance; define controller roles/responsibilities; define system operation and maintenance guidelines; and develop a concise set of relevant, actionable, and unique alarms.

The client requested assistance revising and developing CRM and Alarm Management Plans, coupled with alarm rationalization, to comply with the Control Room Management requirements in 49 CFR 192.