
Pipeline Compliance System Development-MOP Confirmation


Pipeline Compliance System Development-MOP Confirmation Case Study


Interstate Liquids Pipeline Transmisson Company - Houston, Texas


Our client wanted to quantify and integrate records that came with an acquisition into a GIS database and other pipeline safety and integrity datasets.

Follow-up compliance business processes were to be executed on the resulting pipeline data/records with a comprehensive remediation strategy for deficient results.


Following a recent acquisition of a major liquid pipeline system, the client, who was the acquiring pipeline operator, was struggling to conduct mandatory pipeline compliance business processes.

A major corporate concern was establishing traceable, verifiable, and complete records to confirm MOP. Critical pipeline records were transferred in the acquisition but were neither indexed nor hardcopy format and could not be easily leveraged.


To support the development of their pipeline compliance system, ENTRUST Solutions Group was retained by one of the country’s premier liquid pipeline companies to perform several tasks; including a comprehensive comparison of pipeline records received against the “traceable, verifiable, and complete” benchmark set by PHMSA Docket No. PHMSA-2010-0381, measuring the impact and scale of deficient or missing documentation. We then determined a practical hierarchy to select pipeline records to establish MOP. Our focus was to use “next-best” existing records/data to fill any record deficiencies. It was also crucial to integrate acquired pipeline data and link the corresponding scanned record images into an industry-standard GIS database.

The last step included executing pipeline compliance business processes and refining results for decision-maker consumption. In particular, we confirmed MOP via design pressure, pressure tests, and the highest historic operating pressure requirements, and also integrated risk-based alternatives to pressure test provisions. 

Key Results:

At the completion of this project, the client had a GIS database of the acquired pipeline system, with pipeline records linked, as well as: 

  • Confirmed MOP
  • A detailed process/workflow for establishing records supporting MOP and other business compliance functions (i.e.,“story to demonstrate compliance”)
  • Significant cost savings through using off-the-shelf software, clear guidance on records to be used in compliance processes, and a means of efficiently integrating compliance functions (e.g., MOP calculations).