
Smart Grid Reliability Enhancements


Electric Distribution Smart Grid Upgrades




Our client, the owner and operator of the gas and electric infrastructure in the Baltimore metropolitan area, called on ENTRUST Solutions Group to assist with a large electric distribution upgrade project and provide design services for storm hardening with the assistance of smart grid technology.


The proposed plan required overhead structures to be installed in a county park, which would have delayed the construction due to permit issues. In addition, a rare tree was rooted in the area, so a workaround had to be designed.


ENTRUST Solutions Group provided design services for storm hardening to reduce supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) on outages, including the installation of smart grid technology to 40 poles of overhead electric cable and 5,090 linear feet of underground electric cable. This included an overhead recloser, fuse coordination, re-conductoring to Hendrix spacer cable, and pad-mounted equipment. The ENTRUST team prepared construction prints, communicated with the client’s project manager and engineer, conducted quality assurance/quality control reviews, and submitted all required permit application documents.

To resolve the issue of overhead structures in a county park, the team mitigated the potentially long lead time by making adjustments to the scope. The revised plan met the requirements of the client’s engineer and reused existing overhead structures to avoid work within the county park property. In addition, they avoided negative impact to a rare tree by using poles owned by a communication company.

The ENTRUST team provided technical support throughout the construction procurement process and communicated with the client’s customers and local government departments to keep all stakeholders apprised of the project’s progress. The project was completed in 2017 without any issues, on time, and on budget. Since then, seven additional projects of similar scope have been completed successfully. The client has demonstrated their confidence in the team’s communication, quality, timeliness, and ability to mitigate design and construction issues by rewarding ENTRUST with additional design projects.

The ENTRUST Solutions Group team mitigated the potentially long lead time by making adjustments to the scope.

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