
Submersible Transformer Replacements Provide Improved Access and Reliability


Submersible Transformer Replacement Program




The client wanted to eliminate all submersible transformers on their distribution system to allow improved access to equipment and replace aged equipment. A total of 500 underground facilities were to be converted to above ground pad-mounts. ENTRUST Solutions Group replaced all primary and secondary cables, along with the terminal poles associated with these locations.


This program took place in upscale, older neighborhoods that were unaccustomed to seeing traditional pad-mount transformers. It was critical to educate customers on the improvement in reliability associated with the new transformers and to work closely with the customer and county to select transformer locations that would minimize visual intrusion while maintaining the electrical improvements desired. In addition, the project provided the opportunity to evaluate and identify looping and reliability opportunities for these neighborhoods.


ENTRUST Solutions Group independently ran this new program and provided critical client communication. The team was responsible for planning, detailed design, cost estimating, permit package preparation, easement research, acquisition identification and construction support. More than 250 transformers and 25 miles worth of cabling were targeted for replacement over the course of a three-year construction cycle. The primary, secondary and associated service cabling was also replaced and additional looping was targeted. Our designers were responsible for doing the scoping, detailed design and construction support for all sites associated with these replacements.

It was critical to educate customers on the improvement in reliability and safety associated with the new transformers.