
TDSIC Electrical Distribution Filing Helps Client Secure Funding


TDSIC Filing Design and Cost Estimate Support


Evansville, Indiana


The client required assistance with design work related to their TDSIC grid modernization rate case filing. The project included scoping/planning, field survey, detailed design, cost estimating, permitting, and construction support for multiple types of overhead and underground projects.


ENTRUST Solutions Group had to quickly assemble a team of 40 professionals to execute a high-volume project within an aggressive schedule of a five-month period that required more than 200 detailed designs and over 600 cost estimates.


ENTRUST Solutions Group completed detailed designs and cost estimates associated with the client’s Energy Grid Modernization Filing with the IURC. The team completed preliminary engineering, field data collection, detailed design, project management, and complete project controls for all distribution jobs associated with the filing. The detailed design included drawings, permit packages, cost estimates, pole loading analyses, work order creation, and ESRI GIS updating. Over five months, 200 detailed design projects and 600 cost estimates were completed. The filing helped the client secure $500,000,000 in funding for grid modernization projects over the next five years. This success was due to ENTRUST’s critical focus on training and understanding of the client’s internal systems and standards.

Over five months, 200 detailed design projects and 600 cost estimates were completed.