ADMS Implementation Services

ADMS Implementation Services


EN Data Solutions, a sector of ENTRUST Solutions Group, provides Advanced
Distribution Management System services to assist electric distribution
utilities with all aspects of implementing a modern ADMS as an advanced
product suite offering dozens of individual applications. Our diverse and
highly-trained team includes experts in electric operations, electrical
distribution network engineering and design, electric planning, and quality
management. Built upon this foundation, our services fit perfectly with all
phases of ADMS implementation, from assessing needs to deployment, ongoing
maintenance, and performance assessment. EN Data Solutions is uniquely
qualified to assist modern electric distribution utilities with ADMS
implementation from conception through implementation.


ADMS incorporates dozens of individual applications, including SCADA, AMI,
GIS, OMS, FLISR, and Volt/VAR control. These unique applications bring
exceptional value to an electric utility as drivers for regulatory
requirements, safety initiatives, cost reduction, customer service
improvement, and environmental management. EN Data Solutions helps utilities
assess individual applications’ value in order to prioritize software
licensing costs, data acquisition/integration, data enhancement, and process
changes. In collaboration with internal resources, our team of experts
develops a timeline for implementing selected applications. Throughout this
process, EN Data Solutions ensures that our clients receive maximum value in
the shortest amount of time.


With ADMS application values and priorities in place, the EN Data Solutions
team guides utilities in the migration from an existing state to the desired
position with all applications implemented and benefits delivered. Our
dedicated team ensures each process is completed, including reviewing
software and infrastructure requirements, data acquisition, integration,
clean-up needs, process changes, staffing changes, and training. Successful
completion provides clients with a roadmap for success.


After the ADMS plan is in place, the EN Data Solutions team assists electric
distribution utilities with cost/benefits analysis and project
justification. We help guide project justification through the utility’s
approval process and, if required, through regulatory approval. EN Data
Solutions also assists in obtaining cost recovery approval on a case-by-case


Once an ADMS cost analysis and project approval are complete, our EN Data
Solutions team works to develop the best solution for the utility’s specific
needs, including RFP creation, software and service vendor selection, and
staffing. These benefits and requirements often vary between utilities.
Making the right determination for each utility requires identifying
strengths and weaknesses between commercially available ADMS solutions,
vendors, and applications. Our services also include negotiating pricing and
terms with selected vendors.


One of the critical objectives for a successful ADMS implementation is
obtaining and managing highquality data. EN Data Solutions teams partner
with electric distribution utility clients to ensure they understand ADMS
data requirements, the impact of erroneous and missing data on ADMS
performance, and any need for data enhancement. We then develop and
implement a strategy to locate all necessary data and successfully interface
with ADMS. Our team also evaluates any necessary data corrections from
various sources and follows best practices to maintain data in ADMS for
consistency and accuracy.


Once the data assessment is complete, and all data sources are identified,
data interfaces and imports are ready to take place. The EN Data Solutions
team then assists electric distribution utility clients with data
preparation and importation into their ADMS through live interfaces,
periodic batch updates, and one-time imports, including manual data entry/
correction. Driven by the requirements identified in the data assessment
phase, EN Data Solutions imports all data to achieve objectives and values
outlined in the project scope.


EN Data Solutions’ teams understand how vital it is to help clients improve
their operational and data maintenance processes to gain the most value from
ADMS. They also help change how clients manage the distribution network to
take advantage of the power of ADMS. We are committed to achieving optimal
benefits for each client and ensuring that the ADMS receives accurate data


At EN Data Solutions, we know that where process improvement occurs, change
management follows. Not only that, but an electric distribution utility
staff that does not embrace processes will have disappointing results. Our
team brings change management expertise to organize activities and create
staff ownership of the new solution. In doing this, we ensure that everyone
affected by the change is part of the solution. Change management includes
obtaining input from all organizational levels during every phase of
implementation. That includes developing a training and support plan so
utility personnel have the support they need for success.


One of the most important aspects of a project like ADMS implementation is
measuring the electric distribution utility value. That includes reporting
through metrics that define these benefits while also identifying potential
bottlenecks or barriers preventing the utility from achieving the new
system’s maximum value. This evaluation must be done routinely so that
benefits achieved early on don’t erode over time. EN Data Solutions has
expert teams that can help clients develop the appropriate metrics and
implement reporting and dashboards. This allows managers and executives to
monitor the organization’s performance and identify problems before they
have a significant impact. This aids in developing course corrections
quickly to ensure the continued value of the ADMS implementation.


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