Falls in the workplace are the leading cause of occupational injuries and
they cost organizations billions of dollars each year. Maintaining a safe
work environment is a smart and ethical business investment—in addition to a
legal requirement. An effective fall protection program begins with
identification and analysis of fall hazards, followed by a comprehensive
remediation program to ensure a safe working environment.
OSHA requires employers to provide a workplace free of recognized safety and
health hazards and to perform a workplace assessment that identifies and
addresses hazards (OSHA 29 CFR). For the past decade, failure to provide
fall protection has consistently ranked as OSHA’s leading citation, so it is
critical to understand the requirements and implement a comprehensive fall
hazard analysis and remediation program to maintain safety and compliance.
Working together, national firms, LJB Inc.—a firm with world-class fall
protection expertise—and ENTRUST Solutions Group—a company with extensive
design experience in the downstream energy production market—provide expert
fall hazard analysis and remediation services. As experts in OSHA fall
protection regulations, LJB has more than 25 years of experience assessing
fall hazards in the refining industry and develops comprehensive plans for
proper fall protection measures, techniques, and equipment. Following the
assessment, EN Consulting develops detailed engineering and design for the
corrective actions identified—including both engineering controls and active
fall protection systems. Together, the two firms have helped clients take
proactive steps toward earning Voluntary Protection Program (VPP) Star
status and build a safer workplace by correcting thousands of potential fall
LJB offers customized fall protection training courses that help solve fall
protection issues before they arise. The training provides tools needed to
identify fall hazards, as well as the insights and skills to develop and
implement a comprehensive and cost-effective fall hazard control program.
LJB has been accredited to provide adult learning by the International
Association of Continuing Education and Training (IACET) since 2003, and
their Competent Person fall protection training course meets the U.S. Army
Corps of Engineers EM385 requirements for training. Each of LJB’s training
programs is designed so that participants actively engage with the material
and demonstrate the ability to apply it in their workplaces. Training
options include: