Operators have several options for integrity assessments of their pipelines
include coating surveys, CIS, depth of cover, direct assessment, pressure
testing, and in-line inspection (ILI). Among all integrity assessment
methods, ILI yields the highest discovery of anomalies and is the most
cost-effective method on a per-mile basis. ILI is your best choice to meet
your regulatory, safety, operational, and reliability demands. ENTRUST
Solutions Group has a team of highly qualified and experienced engineers in
multiple offices across North America who provide ILI analysis support to
pipeline integrity
With decades of operational and project experience, our professionals
provide expertise in ILI data analysis of various technologies (MFL, hard
spots, ultrasonic metal loss and crack detection, EMAT, deformation, and
mapping), metallurgy, and GIS data integration. ENTRUST can assist through
the life cycle of the inspection or perform specific tasks, including:
- ILI plan and procedures support
- ILI tool selection, bidding, and procurement
- Risk, contingency planning, and threat assessments
- Scheduling
- Post-run analysis
- Data quality assessment in the field and data acceptance
- Preliminary report evaluation and data analysis verification
- Immediate conditions and permitting
- Integrity dig management
- ILI verification and validation per API Std 1163
- Direct examination of anomalies including metallurgical analyses
NDT results evaluation, repair determination, and repair/replacement
- ILI program management
- Pipeline cleaning method selection
- Potential debris sampling
Software Analysis for data integration with other integrity evaluations
(CIS, ACVG, etc.)
Run-to-run analysis, comparison, and growth rate estimates for crack,
deformation, hard spots, and metal loss surveys. Run Comparisons
(Corrosion growth and crack growth signal-to-signal calculations)
Global and local strain analysis for dents and deformations. Strain Demand
and Strain Capacity Analyses
Advance analysis services (MFL, hard spots (HS) MFL, C-MFL, ultrasonic for
crack detection/metal loss, and EMAT)
Secondary ILI data analysis and assessments for channeling corrosion,
narrow axial external corrosion, selective seam weld corrosion
ILI trouble shooting, speed excursions, sensor loss, tool rotation, and
data degradation
Final report evaluation and performing run to run comparisons with
previous assessments to establish any monitored conditions, one-year, or
two-year conditions
Integrated solutions (combining seamlessly GIS and integrated management
solutions (IMS) to match tens-of-thousands of anomalies from multiple ILIs
and other critical surveys
On-site metallurgical evaluation during the pipeline excavation, NDE
activities and comparison with ILI data analysis results
Project completion reports containing all completed documentation and data
from the duration of ILI Projects
Enhanced ILI crack and corrosion signal analysis (Foot by foot analysis,
develop response plans, feature confirmation)
Corrosion consulting and management of environmental assisted cracking,
pitting corrosion, erosion, microbiologically influenced corrosion, and
corrosion under insulation
Fitness-for-service assessments and calculation assessments for corrosion
and crack anomalies (B31G, B31G Modified, Effective Area (RSTRENG), API
579-1/ASME FFS-1, NG-18, LnSec, NewmanRaju, and Failure Assessment
Screening ILI data and looked for SCC, hook cracks, lack of fusion, and
other axially oriented anomalies using transverse flux technologies such
as Rosen ILI Axial Flaw Detection and BJ’s Transverse Field Inspection
Advance ultrasonic data analysis and assessment of clad pipe, solid
corrosion resistance alloys (CRA), CRA weld overlay, risers in high
pressure/ high temperature offshore pipelines
- Offshore pipeline design support for piggability