NERC PRC-025 and PRC-027 Compliance Deadline Support

NERC PRC-025 and PRC-027 Compliance Deadline Support


Due to the recent COVID situation, NERC has provided an estimated 6-month
reprieve for the NERC Standards PRC-025 and PRC-027 compliance deadline.
This will provide many sites the needed time to complete the requirements
associated with these standards. EN Consulting is available to provide
expert support for fulfilling any lingering obligations or full support for
the standards’ requirements.

EN Consulting encourages generator owners to begin early as communication
between the generator owner and the transmission operator to obtain the
required documentation as well as any potential mitigations or changes with
the interconnecting transmission owner can be a lengthy process.

EN Consulting’s PRC-025 and PRC-027 service offerings includes a
comprehensive report covering technical details such as documentation,
figures, and text which address the following list of the generator owner’s


  • An evaluation of each relay’s protection system applicability as a load
    responsive relay [R1]
  • An evaluation of each load responsive protective relay’s settings to
    ensure they are applied in accordance with Attachment 1 criteria [R1]

        » A review of the developed protection system
    settings, calculations, and simulation reports

        » Analyze and confirm resulting relay calculations
    are within Relay Loadability Criteria (table 1)

        » Develop new/revised protection system settings if


  • A process for developing new/revised protection system settings [R1]
  • A review and update of fault study data [R1.1]
  • A review of the developed protection system settings [R1.2]
  • Facilitate communication with transmission owner for proposed settings
    [R1.3.1], identifying coordination issues [R1.3.2], and unforeseen
    circumstances [R1.3.4]
  • Confirm proposed solutions to existing coordination issues [R1.3.3]
  • Establish periodicity timelines for repeating fault current studies [R2]
    and assist in developing new/revised protection system settings if


Our reports can be completed without an onsite visit and in a timely manner.
Typical projects require:

  • A one-line diagram of the plant
  • The settings for the associated protection
  • Information provided by the transmission operator (grid protection


EN Consulting was formed to address the utility industry’s growing
requirement for support to meet the new technical regulatory compliance
requirements within North America. We have maintained an exceptional level
of quality and detail across thousands of PRC and MOD related compliance
reports. We take great pride in the level of technical detail our reports
contain and the attention to addressing the generator owner’s compliance
obligations. Through our activities in standards organizations such as the
IEEE and NERC drafting committees, we are recognized as an industry leader
in this critical area, and are frequently asked to provide presentations and
seminars on this topic to individual utilities and the Regional Reliability
Organizations (RROs) within NERC.


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