Managing compliance issues in the renewable energy world requires
comprehensive knowledge in both the physical and conceptual requirements of
the industry. The consultant teams at EN Consulting deliver decades of
direct experience in regulatory management and NERC risk mitigation
planning. Our subject matter experts deliver firsthand experience to help
organizations stay ahead of the NERC compliance curve and build a robust
compliance culture and framework for your facility.
EN Consulting provides field testing, modeling, protection event analyses,
and consulting services across all areas of compliance with NERC Reliability
Standards for Generator Owners, including renewable plants and offshore wind
Reactive power capability testing and verification of generating units
Testing and modeling of generator excitation control system or plant
volt/var control functions
Testing and modeling of turbine/governor and load control or active
power/frequency control
Protection system mis-operation identification and correction
Coordination of generating unit or plant capabilities, voltage regulating
controls, and protection
Generator frequency and voltage protective relay settings to ride-through
defined frequency and voltage excursions
Generator Relay Loadability
Assembling of generating facilities’ steady-state, dynamic, and
short-circuit data