Popular pipeline data models like the Pipeline Open Data Standard (PODS™)
and Esri® utility and Pipeline Data Model (UPDM) are optimized for efficient
data storage, not for effective data usage. Using those standard pipeline
data models for common many functions can require intense computing power
and time-consuming efforts. This includes common tasks such as extracting
data in risk analysis, preparing U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT)
Pipeline and Hazardous Material Safety Administration (PHMSA) National
Pipeline Mapping System (NPMS) submissions, and creating DOT annual reports.
DynaSeg is part of G2-IS’ comprehensive pipeline integrity management
software suite, designed to help operators manage risk, ensure compliance,
and optimize performance. Software incorporates advanced dynamic
segmentation tools, and related utilities, within the Esri® geoprocessing
DynaSeg is explicitly designed to overcome the limitations of Esri® OOTB
dynamic segmentation tools – in particular, their inability to handle
overlapping linear features in a single-source input layer. Overlapping
linear features within a single layer or table are common in pipeline data,
e.g. overlapping pressure hydrostatic pressure tests on a single line over
time stored in a PODS™ pressure test table.
DynaSeg deals with overlapping features in a single input layer by offering
a variety of query, sort, filtering, and data aggregation methods which can
be used to summarize or otherwise resolve overlapping features in a
single-source layer.
DynaSeg is a generic dynamic segmentation toolkit. It is useful in any
processing scenario that involves intersecting and processing multiple
linear and point event layers within a linear referencing context. For
pipeline operators, these scenarios include:
DynaSeg is also designed to address report automation through scripting and
workflow integration. Each component can be used as a single tool, or in
combination, giving users the flexibility to create workflows that are
simple or complex, depending on the need. The tools work collaboratively
within geoprocessing models to automate and document spatial analysis
DynaSeg offers a powerful set of tools for extraction, recombination,
analysis, interpretation, aggregation, and presentation of both numeric and
text data, delivering enhanced functionality to data management: