Utility Pole Inspections with Resistograph Technology

Utility Pole Inspections with Resistograph Technology


Pole testing with the Resistograph System is revolutionizing the utility
pole inspection industry. The Resistograph System uses a microbit to measure
the resistance of the wood. It is used for detecting and measuring cracks,
voids, cavities, and decay inside a utility pole.

The instrument is positioned at the pole´s base to measure wood decay at
ground level and can measure the wood density below ground level without
compromising the integrity of the pole. With the Resistograph System poles
set in concrete and asphalt can be tested below ground without excavation.

The Resistograph System provides an analysis of the current condition of the
utility pole and allows one to evaluate the results of the inspection
quickly and easily.

With better information regarding the condition of poles, more educated
decisions can be made regarding treatment and replacement options. With this
technology, there is an opportunity for maintenance cost to be reduced by
not replacing poles that still have useful life.


  • Field pictures
  • GPS
  • Pole treatment
  • Pole numbering
  • Ground wire replacement
  • Joint use data
  • Visual inspection
  • Inspection with resistograph technology

Internal Treatments

Impel® Rods are a safe, EPA approved decay protection and prevention system
for wood poles. They are placed into holes drilled into wood poles at
critical locations where control of decay is required.

External Treatment

Water System Design

Genics Cobra™ Wraps are EPA approved and help to prevent and stop decay in
wood poles at the groundline. Cobra Wrap exceeds all competitive treatment
products in its eco-sensitive treatment of the environment.


Each drilling is converted into graph form giving you an internal view of
the pole.

Due to the detail of information gathered using Resistograph inspection,
poles which may be identified for replacement using traditional inspection
methods may have extended useful life with treatment.


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