Field Services & Survey

We provide a complete suite of field services and surveying capabilities to complement our engineering and design services.

Whether your project is a pipeline transmission system or a large residential complex, we are able to deliver a wide range of field activities and surveying techniques.

Based on client specifications, our land surveying department will prepare topographic surveys (both field run and aerial), boundary surveys, land record research, property plat preparation and recordation, and ALTA plat preparation. Additional field survey activities include:

  • AC mitigation
  • External Corrosion Direct Assessment (ECDA)
  • Internal Corrosion Direct Assessment (ICDA)
  • Corrosion control and CP design
  • Regulatory compliance survey
  • Atmospheric inspection
  • Close Interval Survey (CIS)
  • Stray Current CIS
  • Direct Current Voltage Gradient (DCVG)
  • Pipeline Current Mapping (PCM) or (ACVG)
  • Pipeline elevation profiles
  • Cathodic protection database management

In a real point of differentiation, EN Engineering is not only able to provide clients with critical in-field data, our team of corrosion engineers are also able to analyze data to determine whether a client’s metallic facility is adequately protected from corrosion. Based on field results, our corrosion engineers may also provide remediation design and remediation oversight.


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